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Patch [DCSW]

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Patch [DCSW] Empty Patch [DCSW]

Message par Muse Dim 13 Mar 2011 - 13:25

Patch pour DCS: A-10C Warthog (English)

Patch [DCSW] DCS_A-10C_patch_1106_EN

Le patch inclue la correction de nombreuses erreurs logiciel, améliorant donc la stabilité du jeux. Un grand nombres de bugs sont corrigés et des optimisations du jeux ont été apportés


Double-click sur setup.exe, pour démarrer l'installation.

Il est recommandé de couper votre anti-virus et autre logiciel de sécuritépour éviter de ralentir le processus d'installation du patch.


Fixe certains écarts et à la disparité dans les profils d'entrée par défaut.
• Correction de bugs mineurs dans les missions de démarrage rapide.
•Corrigé d'AI cible acquisition bug dans le mauvais temps. Avions AI doivent effectuer n'est plus de multiples pistes sur cible sans armes libération.
• Fixé les pépins de mineures graphiques lorsque volant par temps couvert.
• Fixé CTD dans le panneau d'entrée de GUI causé par la réaffectation de commandes sur certains les manettes de jeu.
• Deux générateurs de fumée de travail sur le A-10 C est maintenant possible.
• Intégré « Make txt » fonction au panneau d'entrée. Cette fonction feraun fichier TXT de tous les profils de périphérique avec affectations d'entrée du joueur.
• A ajouté un nouveau curseur « Arbres visibilité » dans le panneau d'option de graphiques. Il vous permet d'ajuster la visibilité des arbres de 1 500 à 15 000 mètres indépendamment de l'option plage de visibilité.
• Fixé l'arrière-plan de la fenêtre de promotion de grade.
• La valeur minimale du curseur épaisseur pour couvert est limitée à 200 mètres en raison d'une limitation technologique.
• Correction d'un bug avec des véhicules au sol non mobiles à certaines conditions observées dans le communiqué.
• AI-fighter toujours essaye maintenant de lancer des missiles AA lorsque la cible a conclu d'une enveloppe non évasion. Cependant, AI-combattants seront déclenche missile immédiatement s'il apparaît que la chasse perd sa supériorité de lancement de la première.
• Dans la ME, la valeur de la vitesse du premier point de la route ne réinitialise après la pièce de mission dans le simulateur.
• Les curiosités de nuit ont été retirées de MANPAD SAMs.
• Correction d'un bug avec « Patrimoine hydraulique de gauche » et « Pression hydraulique gauche » échec après réparation.
• MWS sur le A-10 C réagiront à tous les missiles dans certaine la plage, pas seulement hostile.
• Augmenté gamme de LOD, passant de 1 200 à 2 200 pour les hangars de Vasiani.
• On a ajouté des textures manquantes de missiles Tunguska, Kub et Buk.
• Master prudence ne sera pas actif lors du démarrage d'un moteur.
• Ajouté manquant de lumière verte position sur le Cobra AH-1.
• Ajusté d'oxygène mélange à haute altitude. Le pilote ne subir pas de l'hypoxie durant le vol de haute altitude.
• Fixé la séquence d'animation incorrect de fusée d'éclairage M257.
• Après réparation, le A-10 C ne sera pas couler un peu en surface.
• A diminué indiqué gamme erronée de la SAM Avenger.
• ME. Liste d'option enlevée l'agressivité du panneau avancé - Action pour empêcher le conflit avec les options « Réaction à la menace ».
• ME. Ajouté « permettre Abort Mission » pointer vers la liste d'option « Réaction à la menace ».
• Corrigé quelques postes de stationnement et les abris à la base aérienne de Vasiani.
• ME. Zone de liste déroulante arme fonctionne correctement si « Groupe d'attaque » et « Unité de l'attaque » présent dans le même point de cheminement.
• Longueur des champs hint fixé avec la césure.
• Le curseur oiseaux collaborera maintenant.
• Ajusté munitions dépense par calcul de cible pour les aéronefs de l'AI.
• Corrigé quelques mission dans les campagnes.
• Mission de sauver l'option de scènes seront prises parmi les options de mission pas les options de joueur.
• MP. Jitter fixe d'aéronefs du client claque au démarrage à froid.
• MP. Correction de crash causant par bogue dans la liaison de données.
• Fixé les bogues dans les filtres de log débriefing.
• MP. Correction de crash avec mixage 32 et 64 bits clients.
• Fixé crash avec arme de largage dans le mode de jeu.
• Fixe à joueur unique JTAC crash de communications Radio.
• Fixe certains problèmes avec le menu de communication radio.
• Fixé CTD à essayer de sauver une mission dans un dossier de système de jeu.
• ME. Les unités du modèle peuvent être déplacées maintenant.
• Fixe l'effet de la pluie.
• Fixé d'atterrissage du modèle 3D Mi-8.
• Le bouton intensité sur le A-10 C UFC travaille maintenant.

Bon vols !!!
Général de brigade
Général de brigade

leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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Patch [DCSW] Empty Patch pour DCS : A-10C Warthog (English)

Message par Muse Sam 11 Juin 2011 - 15:34

Patch [DCSW] Patch1107

Patch for DCS: A-10C Warthog (English)

Patch for version only.


Double-click to setup.exe file to start the installer.

It is recommended to turn off anti-virus and security software because they can slow the installation process considerably.


If you encounter stuttering when panning your view, please change your System options to Full Screen mode. We highly suggest running the game in Full Screen mode to maximize system resorces.

If you have flashing video on the Targeting Pod or Maverick displays, disable multiple GPU use in your graphics card control panel.


* Adjustments to reduce probability of stuttering
* Fixed some bugs in the campaigns and missions
* Fixed some bugs that caused tracks to play back incorrectly
* Fixed force correlate mode for AGM-65K/H/G
* Fixed missions sometimes crashing before getting to cockpit
* Some glitches with GUI images are fixed
* Assigning the same function twice to input device causing a crash is fixed
* A new fuel tanks depot of 3D models was added
* Fixed tracking of Aerial Refueling in Logbook
* TACAN crashes if beacon activated by AI AFTER radio it turned on inside the player's plane is fixed
* Fixed of a Molniya animations
* E-3A now able to mid-air refuel
* Fixed the damage model of the Su-25
* AI helicopters will now hold assigned airspeed
* Changed CCIP INVALID message logic
* Fixed a bug with smoke that caused it not to follow wind direction
* Landing and taxi issues of AI at Gelendzhik are resolved
* Gun sight was changed from fixed 41 mil sight to 4000ft cross when CCIP INVALID condition exists in CCIP mode
* Fixed GBU-38 inaccuracy when target designation is set a Markpoint
* Fixed memory management during textures loading
* Faster textures loading at start up
* Fixed occasional crash on exit
* Tuned textures loading procedure
* E-3A pilots will no longer eject
* Resolved issue with AI "traffic jams" at Sukhumi afld
* Multiplayer - Exterior airbrake sound on other client loop is fixed
* Restored key commands for quick communications without radio menu
* AI getting damaged when refueling is fixed
* AI flight members not forming up correctly with flight lead after takeoff is resolved
* Fixed the crash with Effects.dll
* Player pilot suffers hypoxia after shutting down engines on the tarmac is fixed
* AI aircraft during taxi at Vaziani is resolved
* Buildings that flicker and visibly grow up out of the ground on Low graphics settings is fixed
* Aircraft shelters will use season textures
* AI wingman Maverick usage causes crash is fixed
* Crash when grass comes into view in not certain conditions is fixed
* Problems with AI on the landing in Sukhumi, Krymsk, Anapa are fixed
* Problems of AI aircraft on the taxi ways are solved
* Mission crash caused some data from preparing mode is fixed
* The switching of high-order digits on the VHF radios is fixed
* Solved problem when a light source is present, fog disappears when viewed from above
* DX renderer errors with textures loading are fixed
* WorldManager error at mission editor loading is fixed
* Mission generator error from mission editor is solved
* MP- FMBase error with repeated connection to server is fixed
* Adjusted taxi light of aircrafts
* Fixed some bugs with the Buk and Patriot SAMs and their adjusted their behavior
* The yellow cross cursor will be hidden if inactive for more than five seconds
* Fixed G-meter in A-10C
* Weapons.dll crash after Player Aircraft is Destroyed by Patriot or S-300 is fixed
* ME. The mission browser opening is better optimized
* Role changes of AI will not cause error in mission editor
* ECM pod will work after rearming
* Crash on cockpitbase.dll while watching the track is fixed
* Crash on unpausing the MP track is fixed
* Air Defense units will distinguished from other ground vehicles in the debriefing
* Some bugs in the logbook are fixed
* Fixed some a textures Z-fighting bugs on the ground
* Fixed a time combo-box in the mission generator
* Adjusted A-10C oxygen system when the aircraft is on the ground
* MP- Fixed crash whenever a client or the server pilot uses the emergency External Store Jettison button
* UnitGroup crash with ship shooting is fixed
* Adjusted input default profiles
* The buildings shadow glitch in the TGP video is fixed

All 2 files should be downloaded and put into one folder before launching setup. Filenames are of importance.
Général de brigade
Général de brigade

leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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Patch [DCSW] Empty Patch pour DCS A-10C Warthog (English)

Message par Muse Sam 11 Juin 2011 - 15:36

Patch [DCSW] DCS_A-10C_patch_1108_EN

DCS: A-10C Warthog Patch Available

Download from:

1- Because of an update to the copy protection, one activation will be used when installing the patch. However, one new activation will be added to your account.
2- In order to address game instability and dropped textures when using 32 bit OS systems, some graphic options had to be disabled.


Added new surround sound system. Working in any Windows supported configurations, from 2 up to 8 channels: 2.1, quadraphonic, 5.0, 5.1, 7.1, etc.

User Interface
- Added the Briefing panel in the flight - [LALT-B]
- Added the Debriefing panel in the flight - [RSHIFT - ‘]
- Aerial refueling now tracked in log book.
- AIM-9 loadout listed twice corrected.
- Option to turn random systems failures on or off.
- Pre-set HDR options added.
- Cockpit panel texture resolution no longer affected by global texture resolution setting in Options.

- New E-2D “Hawkeye” AWACS.
- Corrected L-39 landing/taxi lights.
- Fixed CH-53E textures.
- UAZ LOD model fixed.
- Su-33 floating on carrier deck fixed.
- Low-level of detail (LOD) distance adjusted.

World Environment
- Detailed terrain texture distance extended.
- Building shadows corrected.

- New dynamically self-shadowing cockpit with option to turn off and on in Options screen.
- Improved cloud density.
- HDR overcast blur adjusted to be less noticeable.
- HUD preventing shadows in field of view fixed.
- Fixed glowing dust clouds behind ground units.
- Fixed blue flare.
- Fixed disappearing cloud shadows.
- KC-135 navigation light bloom adjusted.
- Improved distant terrain noise texture.
- Internal canopy glare added.

Artificial Intelligence
- Reduced delay in JTAC messages.
- JTAC Abort messaging adjusted.
- JTAC releasing player before all targets destroyed fixed.
- Predator taxi problems corrected.
- Wingmen Engagement logic improved when threats are in target area. Better self-preservation.
- Corrected remaining gun ammo report to JTAC.
- JTAC "use cannon" message fixed.
- After refueling other aircraft, tankers will no longer fly into oblivion.
- Wingmen now better engage targets around player SPI when give "Engage With..." command.
- Fixed crew chief screaming "Hey, what are you doing!" even though the power cable is unplugged.
- Fixed external power staying on indefinitely if you don't ask ground crew to unhook it.

- Corrected inaccurate AGM-154 JSOW.
- Editing weapon loadout from mission designers default prior to starting mission, no longer causes rearming GBU/WCMD weapons to fail.

Track Replay
- Improved track replay accuracy.

- Multiplayer performance degradation due to an anomaly large SADL message traffic was fixed.
- Muliplayer users spawning at same location fixed.
- Multiplayer timeout / server timeout fixed.
- AI planes stop taxing when more than 1 player is on server - fixed.
- Client aerial refueling corrected.
- Air-to-Air TACAN working correctly.
- Laser Spot Search and buddy lasing working.

Avionics / Cockpit
- Fixed – M274 rockets on LAU68 launcher appear as M257 in DSMS.
- Sidewinder jettison capability was removed.
- HUD will not revert to NAV when Master Arm is cycled in Air-to-Air mode.
- DTSAS status message on HUD and CDU was reworked. OFF MAP capability was restored – digital map is available in radius of 450 kilometers around operating area.
- Numerous HUD symbology fixes in HARS mode.
- Fixes to GCAS caution light – it will be lit now if EGI is not providing attitude information.
- Fixed GCAS training auto-scroll function.
- Fixed ILS audio control.
- Fixed AC Generator caution lights logic.
- More accurate signal light test indications.
- Momentary AC electrical power loss (causing CICU restart) was removed when engines generators turned on.
- Altimeter PNEU fixed. Additionally now ELEC/PNEU switch has 3 positions with spring loaded center position. It should be held in desired position (ELEC or PNEU) for 1 second to switch altimeter mode ofoperation.
- Cold start IFFCC elevation correctly set to DTS and not HOT on ramp start.
- Maverick power management by location fixed.
- ILS working with no power fixed.
- RWR symbol placement adjusted.
- ILS and Marker beacons fixed.
- Laser guided bombs guiding with no designation fixed.
- Fire detect bleed air leak test button light fixed.
- System Status page 1760 station indications corrected.
- EGI is no longer selected automatically on NMSP on ramp start. In all cases the EGI should be selected manually now.
- Fourth depress of UFC ALT ALERT button will exit altitude alert edit mode.
- Most of the UFC SEL rocker functions were made UFC mode independent.
- DTSAS PGCAS function was implemented – now GCAS will better predict collision in mountainous area with DTSAS turned ON and operating.
- GCAS and weapon events counters were implemented on CDU LASTE page.
- Fixed missing audio during RWR test.
- CDU DIVERT page was fixed – some airfields were missing.
- “Slave all to SPI” function for Maverick now works only if missile is RDY on DSMS page, and Maverick video is up on any of MFCDs.
- Airfield name on CDU FLDINFO page has correct maximum length now.
- TAD hook is cleared now if it was a SADL symbol and SADL was switched off.
- AI radar detection range by RWR was adjusted.
- Maverick stations selection logic in DSMS was fixed.
- TAD symbols hooking and display priorities were updated.
- HUD SPI symbology display conditions adjusted.
- Maverick impact point accuracy in Forced Correlate mode was improved.
- An option to turn on/off closest friendlies symbols was added on TGP CTRL page.
- T-handle lights now working correctly.
- Corrected cockpit tool tips.
- Reduced probabilities for cockpit random failures. Random failure for gun and CICU was added.
- Jerky Flight Path Angle indication on HUD during taxi was fixed. Minor logic adjustments were made to TVV symbol.
- JTAC SADL NetID now working correctly.
- HARS navigation is defaulting to active at ramp start. With the HARS mode active, you will not get any FPM/VVI in the HUD, and you will not be able to arm the EAC. If you switch from HARS mode to EGI mode after complete INS Alignment, then the FPM/VVI returns, and you can arm the EAC.
- SAI excessive precession was fixed.
- SAI cage function was fixed - it should cage much faster now.
- ILS frequency selector function was completely reworked according to video recorded in the real cockpit.
- Inverter OFF/TEST logic was reimplemented. In TEST it will revert Essential AC bus power to inverter. In OFF Essential AC bus will be not powered by any source (even if AC power from generators is available).
- INST INV caution lamp logic was implemented.
- APU GEN caution lamp logic was implemented.
- LEFT/RIGHT GEN caution lights logic was fixed.
- Inverter noise was added. It will be heard when inverter goes online.
- With ITT gauges inop, L/R ENG NOT caution lights will be always on.
- L/R MAIN PUMP, and L/R WING PUMP caution lights are connected to Essential DC Bus now (and thus will be lit in cold cockpit once DC power is provided by any source).

- Reported errors in campaigns have been fixed.

- Flight manual updated
- GUI manual updated
Général de brigade
Général de brigade

leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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Patch [DCSW] Empty Re: Patch [DCSW]

Message par Muse Jeu 27 Oct 2011 - 23:49

Le patch pour DCS Warthog est disponible

Patch [DCSW] DCS_A-10C_patch_1109_EN

Patch pour la version de DCSW :

Version complète de DCSW patché en :⟨=en


Changes of AI Tasking System

  • Direction and variant parameters added to "Formation" option.
  • Designation method and datalink usage parameters added to "FAC-Attack Group" and "FAC-Attack Unit" tasks.
  • Spawn of inactive aircraft on parking ramps added and "Start"
    triggered task. This makes it possible to use aircraft as a static
    objects or for delayed takeoff.

Mission Editor

  • Direction and variant parameters added to "Formation" option.
  • Designation method and data link usage parameters added to "FAC-AttackGroup" and "FAC-Attack Unit" tasks.
  • Spawn of inactive aircrafts on parking ramps added and "Start"
    triggered task too. This makes it possible to use aircrafts as a static
    objects or delay takeoff.
  • Now possible to again select trigger zone in the trigger zone list.
  • ME trigger actions failures list is now sorted.
  • The map center location and scale are now in the mission.
  • Hotkeys in ME preventing some letters from being used in mission briefing writing corrected.
  • Fire at point for indirect fire weapons working again.
  • Options / MISC screen selection of map coordinates added for LL deg/min/sec, LL deg/min/decimal, and MGRS.
  • MGRS grid (blue) added to map.
  • Dynamic weather no longer generates lightning in winter.
  • Tanker TACAN can now be edited in some situations.


  • Engine sounds in cockpit are no longer heard in front of the HUD with surround sound.
  • Fuel pump sounds no longer heard in cockpit.
  • Corrected problems with surround sound with 2.1 speakers.
  • AIM-9 Sidewinder growl is no longer directional.
  • No player's voice in the first dialogue with JTAC has been fixed.
  • Axis of engines sound was reversed.
  • Improved canopy open/close sound.
  • Improved AIM-9 sounds.

Artificial Intelligence

  • Anti-radiation missiles can no longer lock inactive radars.
  • The doors of concrete shelters will not close while the player is still in the shelter.
  • Incorrect aerial refueling "disconnect" message fixed.
  • Wingmen now provide direction and distance to enemy ground units.
  • Suicidal Wingman behavior during attacks, based on waypoint height, corrected.
  • 32 bit. Route behaviour of AC AI group is fixed.
  • Detection of infantry units has been tuned. Infantry can now be detected at longer ranges by AI.


  • Corrected several cockpit graphics issues.
  • Some GUI elements are fixed in the 2560 horizontal display resolution.
  • An aircraft’s navigation lights change in size depending of range and zoom level now.
  • Removed broken tree and FARP shadows.
  • Terrain illumination adjusted.
  • Cockpit Textures now separate from World Textures.
  • HDR presets renamed to COLD, NORMAL, WARM.
  • HDR presets adjusted - COLD preset is returned to the original DCS HDR.
  • Directional lights on several of the new airports has been tuned.
  • ATI Radeon terrain lighting without clouds or with overcast issue fixed.
  • A-10C cockpit glass reflections tuned.
  • OFF flag on the angle of attack indicator had wrong color.
  • F/A-18 fuel tanks texture fixed.
  • Fixed incorrect shadows for revetments at airfields.


  • JTSN switch on countermeasure panel will now expend all flares.
  • Manual MFCD power knob implemented. Must turn on during ramp start.
  • DTS selected set as default elevation source during ramp start.
  • Bleed Air and Main Air Supply switches on ECS panel are now ON at ramp start.
  • Default position for Signal Amp switch was changed to NORM.
  • Boarding ladder now can be extended from the cockpit by the
    dedicated switch. To stow the ladder, use the “Stow boarding ladder”
    radio command in Ground Crew radio submenu.
  • Fixed ownship negative altitude display in the lower left corner of MFCD.
  • HUD symbology was reworked in HARS mode – many symbols were
    removed from the display and some were returned. Fixed gun cross was
    implemented. Logic for some of elements (like TISL Cue Index) in HARS
    was updated.
  • REPLY/TEST lamps logic on IFF panel was adjusted.
  • IAM (JDAM/WCMD) weapons status on DSMS was reworked. Added transfer alignment algorithm simulation.
  • Accelerometer Push-to-Reset button was implemented.
  • Armament Ground Safety Override switch was implemented.
  • DVADR Control and Remote Control Panels were implemented.
  • MFCD ARS and MAV DLZ sizes on MFCD were adjusted.
  • GAU-8 Clearing Cycle was modeled. If GUN ARM switch is set to
    OFF less than 2.5 seconds after gun trigger was released, GUN UNSAFE
    will be lit on Caution Light Panel. Gun will jam on the next fire
  • Fixed bug of inability to delete DSMS profile after its exact copy was created.
  • Vertical velocity scale now is visible on HUD only in NAV mode.
  • HUD FEDS, BATA, Min Range, and Safe Escape display functions are inhibited when is LAAP engaged.
  • Aim-9 audio is no longer heard after IFFCC power is cycled.
  • HUD standby sight will now work with IFFCC turned off.
  • Fixed oxygen system switchology effect on oxygen starvation/recovery.
  • IAM current weapon selection algorithm will now reject bombs not in RDY condition.
  • Emergency Canopy Jettison Lever was implemented.
  • The handle lock button was implemented on Auxiliary Gear Handle.
  • Wind entered on CDU WIND page is correctly accounted by IFFCC
    in aiming calculations now. The wind model was changed to account for
    wind fading to zero at negative 4000 feet.
  • HUD symbology positions with the Tapes option ON were adjusted.
  • EGI and CDU failures were implemented.
  • ADI steering bars were made visible when ADI is not powered.
  • Current steerpoint is no longer stuck to WP 0 after switching current CDU fly-to DB to MARK.
  • TAD North cue and cardinal directions marks are pointed to magnetic North now.
  • BULL-CURS logic was updated. Now with BULL-CURS selected, Hook
    Connector Line is visible even if there is no hook is on the TAD.
    However, to disable BULL-CURS a hook on TAD needs to be made.
  • Laser code on TGP was made always visible.
  • Now all waypoints in the current Fly-To DB are displayed on the
    TAD. With MSN selected, only points 0-50 are displayed. Additionally,
    the last markpoint is made visible disregarding of the current Fly-To
  • Mark Z symbol (white triangle) was added on TAD.
  • Default setup for External Lights panel switches was changed.
  • External Lighting System was revamped. The white tail light is
    interpreted now as the third position light, tail anticollision light
    was added, anticollision lights are flashing simultaneously now,
    left/right tail formation lights were added, all formation lights are
    smoothly adjusted now by the Formation Lights switch, top and bottom
    formation lights are no longer flashing with position lights anymore,
    pinky switch forward position now additionally sets to dim nose/nacelle
    floodlights and formation lights.
  • Maverick will break lock now if missile FOV was changed.
  • SPI will reset to steerpoint if SPI was defined by TAD and active hook was removed from TAD by TMS Aft/Short.
  • TAD generated SPI always coincides with TAD active hook now.
  • Some SADL related WCNs are cleared now upon MSG Quick Look activation.
  • CCIP Variable Tgt Elevation pippers will revert to the standard pipper when it is more than 20 mils between them.
  • Missing second (HEI) pipper point was returned back on CCIP gun reticle with CM rounds loaded.
  • Reticle slew commands in MAV ADJ mode are applied now only if maverick is SPI.
  • If a weapon station is not carted (special safety pin removed)
    for jettison (i.e. Aim-9), an attempt to jettison it will generate HUNG
  • Now both Selective and Emergency Jettison functions will work with either of two jettison CBs pushed.
  • Search Radar RWR Indications for TOR, Tunguska, OSA and KUB corrected.
  • Rockers on the CDU will now work with both keyboard and joystick.
  • When running the IFFCC bit check the "pull up pull up" and "altitude, altitude" are now both heard.
  • CMSC PRI button can now be illuminated.
  • HARS button cannot be illuminated with no power.
  • Magnetic heading indication in HARS mode was made functional.
    Excessive HARS attitude gyro precession was fixed. HARS Fast Erect
    button should work correctly now.
  • Master Caution Flashes/Warning Sound when Pressing Bleed Air leak test button.


  • Damage state of world objects between host and clients corrected.
  • Killing of a blue JTAC by client will not result in a crash.
  • MP Server & Client now provide correct weather on the next mission loaded.
  • Aerial refueling corrected. Only one player can be in contact
    with tanker at once. In contact player must check out before other
    player can communicate with tanker.
  • JTAC communications corrected. Only one player can be in
    contact with a JTAC at once. In contact player must check out before
    other player can communicate with the JTAC.
  • Building damage state shared correctly between all players.
  • Clients can hear all AI flight communications.
  • Clients hear all ATC communications correctly.

Other Changes

  • Fixed training missions.
  • Vsync selection in Options now working correctly.
  • "The Shore" and "Devil's Cross" campaigns removed. These 3rd party campaigns are available on the File Exchange.
  • Updated Flight Manual, GUI Manual, and Quick Start Manual.
  • In-game credits updated.
  • Fixed some bugs in the GUI combo-boxes.
  • Ships with surface wind will pitch and roll according to the strength/direction of wind.

Bon vols
Général de brigade
Général de brigade

leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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Patch [DCSW] Empty Patch A-10C Warthog Release

Message par Muse Jeu 10 Nov 2011 - 21:33


Patch for DCS: A-10C Warthog (English download version)

Patch [DCSW] Patch1110

Patch for version only.


Double-click to patch_setup_v1.1.1.0.exe file to start the installer. It is recommended to turn off anti-virus and security software because they can slow the installation process considerably. If you have problems after installing the patch (like slow frame rate or crashes), please do a full re-installation. To do so:

1. Uninstall A-10C
2. For Windows 7 users, look in your /Users/(name)/Saved Games/ and delete the DCS Warthog folder.
3. Reboot
4. Defrag the drive that A-10C will be installed to
5. Install full version
6. Reboot

Make sure you are up to date with your graphics card drivers. Also, make sure you have the latest DirectX and C++ Runtime versions installed:

DirectX (June 2010):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):

verion complète :

DCS: A-10C Warthog (English download version)

Patch [DCSW] Patch1110
DCS: A-10C Warthog is a PC simulation of the U.S. premier Close Air Support attack aircraft. This is the second aircraft in the DCS series, following DCS: Black Shark, and raises the bar even higher in the DCS series. Warthog brings the most realistic PC simulation of a modern fixed wing combat aircraft in regards to flight dynamics, avionics, sensors, and weapon systems. You also have the option to play Warthog in "Game" mode for a casual game experience. Fly missions in the Caucasus region of the Black Sea against and with a wide array of air, land and sea forces with new and improved intelligence. Create your own missions and campaigns with the included Mission and Campaign Editors, and fly with and against friends online using the included online game browser.


Recommended system requirements: Operating system 64-bit: Windows Vista and 7; Processor: CPU: Core 2 Duo E8400, AMD Phenom X3 8750 or better; Memory: 4GB; Hard disk space: 7 GB; Video: Shader 3.0 or better; 896MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 DirectX 9.0c or better; Sound: DirectX 9.0c - compatible; DirectX?: 9.0C; requires internet activation.

Minimum system requirements: Operating system: Windows XP, Vista or 7; Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz; Memory: 3 GB; Free hard disk space: 7 GB; Video: 512 MB RAM card, DirectX 9 - compatible; Sound: DirectX 9.0c - compatible; requires internet activation.

Product files count: 4 files
Product files size: 4.59 Gb

Dernière édition par Muse le Dim 18 Déc 2011 - 13:53, édité 1 fois
Général de brigade
Général de brigade

leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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Patch [DCSW] Empty Patch pour DCS: A-10C Warthog

Message par Muse Dim 18 Déc 2011 - 13:52

Patch [DCSW] Patch111

Page de téléchargement :


Double-click to A-10C_patch_en_1.1.1.1.exe file to start the installer.

It is recommended to turn off anti-virus and security software because they can slow the installation process considerably.

If you have problems after installing the patch (like slow frame rate or crashes), please do a full re-installation. To do so:

1. Uninstall A-10C
2. For Windows 7 users, look in your /Users/(name)/Saved Games/ and delete the DCS Warthog folder.
3. Reboot
4. Defrag the drive that A-10C will be installed to
5. Install full version
6. Reboot

Make sure you are up to date with your graphics card drivers.

Also, make sure you have the latest DirectX and C++ Runtime versions installed:

DirectX (June 2010):

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):



Crash with South Ossetia in Fast Mission Generator is corrected.
Updated A-10C flight manual.


HDR effect on sun corrected.
Dust and smoke grenade effects at night no longer appears as if day.
Fixed building errors at Sukhumi airbase
Visibility range of rocket smoke marker has been increased.
Canopy reflections have been corrected.
Contrail duration time is reduced.
Corrupted NVG image after long use is corrected.


SEAD flights use anti-radiation missiles correctly again.
Crash with more than one aerial tanker in a mission is corrected.
Orbit trigger action has been corrected.
FARP and airbase ATC now responds correctly after landing.
JTAC radio options now appear properly for clients.
Ground unit logic of driving over bridges adjusted.
A-10C wingman AI evasive maneuvering adjusted.
Repeating wingman rejoin messages fixed.


Fixed occasional crash using CBU-97 and CBU-105.
Landing gear door animation for Ka-50 is fixed.
Occasional A-10C engine shut down during start up or taxi is fixed.
Trim with force feedback joysticks has been fixed.
A-10C weapon alignments adjusted.


A-10C RWR now correctly detects Pyotr Velikiy radar locks and launches.
Fixed HSI Course offset when navigating with TACAN.
Hydra MK1 rockets are correctly displayed as Target Practice (TP) in DSMS now.
Engine oil pressure lights logic fixed. They will light when pressure is low and engines are running or not.
TGP gimbal will remain stowed now if TGP is OFF or STBY, and HOTAS "Slave All to SPI" or "Slave TGP to Steerpoint" commands have been attempted.
Manually entered magnetic variation (CDU OPTIONS page) will now be applied to all directions in TAD and CDU. Exception is CDU OFFSET page, which always uses the variation computed by EGI.
The map convergence correction was applied to TAD. Now the flight plan line is always oriented straight up when the aircraft is flying along it.
With SCS mode selected CDU STEER and ANCHOR pages will provide steering to the SCS point instead of steerpoint. Same applies to the HUD steering symbology.
SCS point color on TAD was changed to yellow.
Flight plan lines are correctly removed now from TAD when SCS is selected.
Flight plan waypoints auto-sequence is disabled when SCS is active.
IFFCC target elevation cannot be edited in SCS now.
ADI vertical steering works correctly with SCS now.
The last created markpoint will be not blanked from display on TAD in SCS mode.
IFFCC target elevation will be updated from steerpoint, when it was edited in CDU.
When TGP entered LSS and if it was SPI source, SPI will be reset to steerpoint. Once laser track have been obtained, TGP can generate SPI again.
AGL waypoint elevation option is handled correctly by CDU upon loading data from Mission Editor.
Fixed wrong geographical coordinates position (it was shifted up) on TGP display.
Fixed: external fuel tanks are red boxed on DSMS.
Fixed wrong symbols input on UFC upon the first attempt.
IFFCC hot elevations can be entered via scratchpad now.
Overhead markpoint elevation is set from radar altimeter if IFFCC hot elevation is selected.
If DTS fails of goes into search, flashing XXXX is shown in HUD target elevation window. Pressing UFC ENT makes it steady.
DTSAS Coordinate Ranging will be inoperative if DTSAS is in search.
LASER CODE MISMATCH caution will be displayed now only if Autolase was set ON in the profile.
Fixed store settings display in Quick Look profile.
"IFF" VMU message will be heard now if IFF alert was set up via IFFCC TEST menu.
HUD is correctly initialized with HARS mode at ramp start.
Selecting profiles while INVALID FUZING was visible on HUD will not result to wrong sight calculations anymore.
PBIL jitter (especially in CCIP CR) was eliminated.
MRS will correctly account now for MIN TOF set in BDU-33 profile.
DRC now should display correct impact point according to DES TOF set in profile.
Fixed MRS/DRC calculations for CBU-97.
DRC/MRS calculations now account for target elevation - i.e. they should work correctly in mountains.
PBIL does not move oddly (like going parallel to horizon) anymore on low altitude deliveries.
CCIP pipper does not jitter anymore with CBU-97.
TGP line-of-sight does not return to the LSS start point anymore when laser track was exited.
Default CBU-97/105 open height is temporarily changed to 1800 ft.
Slave All to SPI function was adjusted for AIM-9. Now if TGP is A-A mode, and is SOI, AIM-9 will slave to TGP LOS (other sensors will be not affected), otherwise AIM-9 will slave to current SPI, as well as other sensors.
So called "initial points" will be loaded with correct elevation into CDU.
Maverick slew sensitivity is independent of HOTAS throttle slew sensitivity now. Slew logic was reversed - 0.5 is most sensitive, and 9.5 is least sensitive. Adjusted HOTAS throttle slew sensitivity range, and values minimum step.
Fixed FPS drop down by 30-40% when ILS is turned on.

All 2 files should be downloaded and put into one folder before launching setup. Filenames are of importance.

Files count: 2 file
Files size: 1.78 Gb
Général de brigade
Général de brigade

leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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Patch [DCSW] Empty Re: Patch [DCSW]

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