The Silver Falcons
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[FC2] environnement

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[FC2] environnement Empty [FC2] environnement

Message par Muse Sam 3 Avr 2010 - 22:31

Sim-Mod LOreloaded :

[FC2] environnement Lorelo10

This is a Mod of SimMod's LORELOAD terrain, changed for DCS-BS compatible with FC2, all trees and road surfaces were removed for better compatibility.

This mod overwrites your graphics.cfg found in the CONFIG folder, back it up if needed before installing

DCS-BS FPS TWEAK v.0 Beta3 is compatible with this mod.

Our thanks to the SimMod team for their making of this Mod, all credit goes to them.

Modman 7 pack - by Skypat


terrain enhanced :

attention !! s'installe sans Modman (auto-exe)

[FC2] environnement Enhanc10

I've created this terrain to supplement the terrain that Grandsurf and Rocky put together called LockOn Reloaded. They created the summer terrain, I've "finished" the project (so to speak) and put together autumn, spring and winter terrain.

I was given permission to use some of the textures from Reloaded to modify and include in my terrain pack. I hope ya'll enjoy the fruits of my labor, this terrain represents a couple of weeks of hard work and little sleep.

Coastline Mod :

[FC2] environnement Coastl10

s'installe avec ModMan 7

atmospheric pour FC2 :

[FC2] environnement Atmosp10

installation via ModMan 7.2

Improve atmospheric for FC2
- Bloom/hdr engine
- Enhanced Cloud
- Shadow enhanced
- Reflection enhanced
- Fps optimization for shadow

- Mitch (for originals clouds)
- Tobia (for tweaking Mitch clouds to HD)
- Crazysundog (for his work on Bloom settings value)
- Obiwan (for alternate bloom tweaks)
- Boris Vorontsov (ENBseries api DLL)

Dernière édition par Muse le Dim 18 Avr 2010 - 18:09, édité 1 fois (Raison : rajout de Mod)
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leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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