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utilitaires pour DCS BS

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utilitaires pour DCS BS Empty utilitaires pour DCS BS

Message par Muse Ven 13 Mar 2009 - 12:56

DCSMax 1.7.0 :

DcsMax 1.7.0 - June 12, 2009

DcsMax is a CPU affinity tool dedicated to Blackshark game
It run silently in tray bar to set CPU affinity on DCS.exe each time you launch a mission session
it can run an solo or multiplayer game
it can launch also TRACKIR automatically
It can launch TeamSpeak and Mumble voice utility
If DCS.exe is already launched when you launch DcsMax, DcsMax will detect it and will set CPU affinity on all cores(1)
(1) note that you can also enable/disabled some core
A message will appear in screen center telling you that affinity has been adjusted.l

utilitaires pour DCS BS 88322DCS_max_1.7

ModMan pour DCS-BS :

utilitaires pour DCS BS 129146Modman7BS

Mod Manager - March 5, 2009 (Aka old Loman)

With MOD MANAGER window, this utility MANAGE mods/addons installation automatically by ONLY ONE CLICK
With MOD MAKER window, this utility PACKAGE yours mods/addons in order to make it MODMAN compliant
With TEXTURE BROWSER (ie: CDDS Explorer), this utility browse cat files (like .cdds, .gtl, .gtr file) and extract/replace textures

NATIVE LANGUAGE for this utility is ENGLISH
so selecting another language in main menu may corrupt interface (translation too long etc..etc..)
the file used for translation is /required/traduction.txt (you can modify it then send it me)

Japanese and Chinese are not supported, i didn't find any fix to make it work (Sorry for that)
the only CLUE is to select 'English language' in your Windows OS

Supported OS

ModMan DCS-BS :

utilitaires pour DCS BS 244341modman_BS

tacview 0.94 :

site de virtuoz :

Avant d'utiliser Tacview, assurez vous de posséder au moins la configuration minimale suivante :
(Notez que Tacview peut fonctionner mais n'est pas supporté sur les configurations matérielles inférieures à celle-ci)

Lancez Tacview puis cliquez sur la commande [Enregistrer les vols de Flaming Cliffs/Black Shark] dans la barre d'outils principale pour installer le script d'export. Vous pouvez ensuite fermer Tacview pour accomplir une mission dans votre simulateur de vol favori.
Si pour une raison quelconque l'installation automatique du script d'export ne fonctionne pas, vous pouvez effectuer la procédure manuelle.
Durant chaque vol, Tacview note méticuleusement la position de chaque unité ainsi que les événements associés. L'enregistrement des vols n'entraine aucune baisse notable du frame-rate.
Une fois le vol terminé, quittez Lock-On, lancez Tacview, puis ouvrez l'un des enregistrements de vol sauvegardés dans le dossier \Lock On\Temp\. Vous reconnaitrez votre vol et toutes les unités qui y ont participé. Certains événements sont devinés par l'ACMI car Lock-On ne permet pas de tout savoir, cela peut entrainer parfois quelques imprécisions. C'est tout à fait normal et ça ne nuit pas à l'intérêt de l'analyse du vol.

NOTE : Lors des parties en réseau, l'hôte doit s'assurer que [EnableExportScript=true] dans [config.lua]
afin d'autoriser les clients à créer des enregistrements de vol.

utilitaires pour DCS BS Tac001

DCS affinity V2.1.2 :

Changes about V 2.1.1: Now supports up to eight cores; fixed an issue with Track IR.

utilitaires pour DCS BS 78282set_affininty_pour_BS

DCS affinity V2.1.1 :

utilitaires pour DCS BS 78282set_affininty_pour_BS

The DCS Black Shark Affinity Tool is a simple GUI to launch DCS - Black Shark using all of your CPU cores. The tool will noticeable increase your fps.
The reason why this tool can drastically boost your fps is, that DCS Black Shark 1.0 is starting up on only one core by default. This is a bug and will probably be fixed in the 1.0.1 version of Black Shark. Users of the 1.0.1 version will benefit from all cores by default and will not need this tool anymore.

Please Note: Only Win Vista users will benefit from this tool since Win XP can not run applications on multiple threads. XP is lacking the architecture to support this technology fully, even with the MS multicore-patch.

DCSmax1.6.1 :

utilitaires pour DCS BS 828547im_C6_1238634271

DcsMax 1.6.1 - April 2, 2009

DcsMax is a CPU affinity tool dedicated to Blackshark game
It run silently in tray bar to set CPU affinity on DCS.exe each time you launch a mission session
it can run an solo or multiplayer game
it can launch also TRACKIR automatically
It can launch TeamSpeak and Mumble voice utility
If DCS.exe is already launched when you launch DcsMax, DcsMax will detect it and will set CPU affinity on all cores(1)
(1) note that you can also enable/disabled some core
A message will appear in screen center telling you that affinity has been adjusted.

DcsMax will monitor/detect ALL the solo mission and ALL the campaign mission Launch
During the 'loading screen', DcsMax will replace 'ON THE FLY' the default mission skin by YOUR beloved skin !
Your WignMen will have also your skin
by 'ON THE FLY', i mean that all the mission files (in yours several folders) are not modified at all
DcsMax is only processing the TEMPorary mission file loaded by dcs.exe
now you don't need anymore to edit mission file to use your skin !
now you can fly all campaign mission with your beloved skin !
the quick launch mission will also use your skin
THIS WORKS for all missions launched by either DcsMax or by either BS official MAIN MENU

RUN IT and FORGET IT Wink, it will iconize automatically in tray bar when BlackShark will be launched.

NATIVE LANGUAGE for this utility is ENGLISH

no installation required, just launch DcsMax.exe

Supported OS
XP32*/XP64*/VISTA32**/VISTA64**/WINDOWS 7**
*Note that setting affinity on all cores for Dcs.exe will have few FPS improvements under XP os
**Note that setting affinity on all cores for Dcs.exe will have BIG FPS improvements under VISTA/Windows 7 os

important note for intel I7 owners (or AMD with 4core + hyperthreading)
if you don't have 8 cores available in windows task manager (and 8 checkbox available in DcsMax), it means:
- either your bios settings are false
- either in your msconfig/boot/advanced/, only 4 cores are ticked
- either both Wink


DCSmAX V1.4 :

utilitaires pour DCS BS 593100DCS_MAX_1.4

DcsMax 1.4 - March 16, 2009

DcsMax is a CPU affinity tool dedicated to Blackshark game
It run silently in tray bar to set CPU affinity on DCS.exe each time you launch a mission session
it can run an solo or multiplayer game
it can launch also TRACKIR automatically
It can launch TeamSpeak and Mumble voice utility
If DCS.exe is already launched when you launch DcsMax, DcsMax will detect it and will set CPU affinity on all cores(1)
(1) note that you can also enable/disabled some core
A message will appear in screen center telling you that affinity has been adjusted.

RUN IT and FORGET IT Wink, it will iconize automatically in tray bar when BlackShark will be launched.

NATIVE LANGUAGE for this utility is ENGLISH

no installation required, just launch DcsMax.exe

Supported OS
*Note that setting affinity on all cores for Dcs.exe will have few FPS improvements under XP os
**Note that setting affinity on all cores for Dcs.exe will have BIG FPS improvements under VISTA os

important note for intel I7 owners (or AMD with 4core hyperthreading)
if you don't have 8 cores available in windows task manager (and 8 checkbox available in DcsMax), it means:
- either your bios settings are false
- either in your msconfig/boot/advanced/, only 4 cores are ticked
- either both Wink
Général de brigade
Général de brigade

leader escadron 67th Durance leader escadron 91th Gascogne Instructeur pilote ayant passé les 600 heures de vol
Nombre de messages : 1292
Age : 43
Localisation : Figeac 46
Escadrille : The Silver Falcons :
C6 démo Team :
DCS French Trad Team
Réputation : 25
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2008

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